“There is growing recognition in psychology research that creativity is associated with emotional functioning,” study author Dr. Tamlin S. Conner said in a statement, explaining how her work focuses on how creativity enhances emotional well-being whereas past research focused on how work hampered creativity.


You don't have to be a professional painter to reap the benefits of this creative hobby.Photo Courtesy of Pixabay

For the study, Conner and her team had 658 volunteers use a diary to document how much time they spent on creative exercises and the emotional changes they experienced, both positive and negative, as a result. After 13 days, the psychologists tracked what they described as an “upward spiral for wellbeing and creativity” for those who partook in daily creative tasks. In addition, volunteers were also asked to rank their responses to statements like “Today I was interested and engaged in my daily activities,” and “Today my social relationships were supportive and rewarding,” The Huffington Post reported.

Results showed that doing a creative activity was correlated with increased overall happiness in all aspects of the respondents' lives. What’s more, the report did not specify whether any particular type of creative activity was better than another, so it’s likely that doing something as simple as coloring in an adult coloring book or picking up a new musical talent, despite your level of expertise, could be enough to boost your mood for the following day.

Source: Conner TS, DeYoung CG, Silvia PG. Everyday creative activity as a path to flourishing. Journal of Positive Psychology. 2016