Are you feeling anxious and fearful lately?
Can you remember a time when you felt carefree and calm? Any feeling you may be having at this moment also has an opposite.
David Ellzey’s simple 20-minute practice of Holistic Releasing will help you stop bouncing back and forth between experienced feelings like a ping-pong ball. When we accept the fact that opposing feelings and thoughts necessarily exist within our humanness, we begin to discover our true nature—That in which these opposites appear, but is not defined by. There is no effort required. By simply allowing opposites to coexist, we begin to witness the freedom that exists beyond them.
Especially in these uncertain times, the mind can be extremely busy with very real challenges. This time-tested practice quiets the mind and reveals the clarity and peace that accompanies the direct experience of unbound awareness.
In the field of awakening consciousness, David is a teacher, author, awareness mentor, and transformational performer with clients including The United Nations and individuals and organizations across five continents. In his gentle yet laser-clear way, he teaches people how to let go of their perceived limitations and begin to recognize the unlimited reality of Self, even amidst the challenges of daily human life. A contributor to various consciousness journals, David is author of the book The Ocean of Now.